Development Log

Development process:
Inspiration: Temple run ,Jumanji and Tomb Raider
We began the development with the idea of being able to navigate through mazes , passing obstacles like traps, darts and swings and collect keys to reach the door. After that, we thought of of ways to implement all these thing using our knowledge we had from the game design course so far like using triggers, colliders etc. As our inspiration comes from Temple run ,Jumanji and Tomb Raider, we thought it would be great to have enemies trying to catch the player. In the game, the player is a baby mummy trying to escape the mazes. As the player is navigated using Navmesh, we didn't had to worry much about the controllers.
During the development process in week 1, Vijay and Alok worked on initial levels designs and worked on adding complexity to the maze levels by testing different places to position the maze obstacles so that there would be enough difficulty for the levels. Paul worked on prefabs and developing the logic for collecting keys so that the door could only be unlocked after collecting all keys. Mark worked on prefabs and developing the swing, spike, poison dart, and sleep dart traps. During week 2, Vijay worked on developing the mini map and easy maze level design by adding in the walls and traps. Mark and Paul continued working on developing prefabs, developing game start and end screens, and the different swing, spike, poison dart, and sleep dart traps. Alok worked on the medium maze level design by adding in walls and traps. During week 3, Mark and Paul finalized the pause menu, game start and end screens, added a health bar, and the hard maze level by adding in walls and traps. Vijay and Alok worked on finalizing the easy, medium, and hard maze level designs by changing some of the wall positions and traps.
We added a mini map to the bottom right corner of the scene. it helps the layer better navigate thought the maze. When we play-tested the game, it was extremely hard to navigate because the main camera doesn't show the entire maze and it becomes increasingly harder to remember the maze. At first we thought of this game as an fast-paced treasure hunt adventure game, where the player trying to getto the treasure passing various obstacles, but after some playtesting we decided that due to the pace and the feel of the movement in the game, it would more sense to lean towards a mummy game. To achieve this we had add mummies, and adjust the shrines, environment according to that.
The maze levels have many obstacles and traps where if the player touches specific obstacles, the player has to restart the maze level or sometimes it slows down the player by 2 seconds. The maze levels also have the player having to navigate through the obstacles including spike traps, poison traps, and following enemies to reach keys that the players need to open the door to the next maze level. Each maze level has varying difficulty based on the placement of obstacles, traps, following enemies and where the keys are that they have to find. Also, the player has to collect all of the keys in order to unlock the door that allows them to enter the next level. The different keys may be around more obstacles and traps or could be closer to the door.
The easy, medium, and hard levels were developed to have the player having to maintain their health while navigating around maze obstacles to find and collect all keys so that the door at the end of each level can be opened. There were different traps in this level that included a spike trap that restarts the player to the beginning of each level whenever the player moves over the spike trap. Another trap that the players can encounter is the swing trap that automatically moves and if the player makes contact with the swing trap as it moves, the player's health decreases. Another trap was the poison darts that automatically throw darts and if the player gets hit by the poison darts, the player's health is decreased. Also, if the sleep darts hit the player, the player is temporarily not able to move. Additionally, there were automatically following enemies that could attack the player and decrease the player's health if the enemies make contact with the player. One type of following enemy on these levels included the enemy that could chases the player immediately and another type of enemy was one that chased the player only when the player came in close range of the enemy. There was lighting emitted from the player in these maze levels and there was a dark setting to keep the player’s difficulty of not knowing where traps, walls, and enemies were. The mini map was developed to help the player have a better awareness about other enemies locations and to help the player better avoid enemies and traps set throughout the levels.
Health Bar :
Status effects :
Sounds credit:
Summary of play tests:
Playtest Results Week 1:
- the game too easy, so make them more complex(hard)
- Ad d more traps
- Add more animations
- Add health bar
Playtest Results Week 2:
- Have a theme for the game
- Add a mini mapp
- Need better background music
- Add exit, resume and restart screen
- Add more obstacles, traps and swings
- Add better sounds
Playtest Results Week 3:
- Add ending and winning scene
- Add more enemies
- Add door animation
Link to presentation:
Get Crazy Mummy Mystery
Crazy Mummy Mystery
Status | Released |
Author | vijayreddy |
More posts
- PostmortemNov 11, 2021
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